The BIG Improvised Musical
12/10/2024 20:30
Event s 10. musical

The BIG Improvised Musical

Organitzat per: BIG Improv

BIG IMPROV. Calle Comte Borrell 143 Veure mapa BIG IMPROV. Calle Comte Borrell 143 12/10/2024 20:30

Tria les teves entradesCompra les teves entrades

General Tickets

11,78 €
0,00 €
Despeses de gestió:
0,00 €
0,00 €
0,00 €

Detall de l'esdeveniment

… is the hottest ticket in town for the opening (and closing) night of this never-before-seen and never-to-be-seen-again musical comedy, complete with show-stopping musical numbers, epic story lines, larger than life characters and a healthy dose of that Broadway sparkle.

The audience provides one fabulous suggestion and the players and musician spin them into a brand new all-singing, all-dancing spectacular that will have you dancing in your seats and humming all the way home.

8.00pm Doors & Bar Open

8.30pm Show Starts


12€ online presale

15€ on the door

*30% discount for current students of BIG!

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