Handcrafting AI

Convent de Sant Agustí . Carrer del Comerç, 36, Ciutat Vella, 08003 Barcelona - Mapa ikusi
Data desberdinak -
Antolatzailea Toplap Barcelona

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About the workshop:
This workshop introduces small personal data, parametric exploration, and control interfaces from the perspective of the creative possibilities of real-time machine learning. Can small datasets (collected and analyzed mid performance) offer a way out from the statistical repetition of mainstream artificial intelligence approaches, while also providing interesting paths to explore? What are the frictions between humans and algorithms emerging from these experiments?

About Iván Paz:
Iván Paz studied physics, music, and computer science. He obtained his Ph.D. in computer science from the UPC. Ivan's work revolves around critical approaches to technology, focusing on construction from scratch as an exploratory technique. Since 2010, he has been actively involved in the live coding community, presenting workshops, conferences, and concerts across the Americas and Europe. Currently, he is working with machine learning techniques and AI models in the creation of artistic artifacts. Ivan was the artistic co-director of the European project "on-the-fly" and served as the chair of the Thinking lab at the AI MUSIC Festival ST+ARTS, organized by UPC and Sonar. He has also been a co-coordinator of scientific contributions for the VII International Conference on Live Coding in 2023. Ivan has served as a professor at various universities, including UPC, Elisava, and UNAM.

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