Commiseration Cabaret: Improvised Songs About Your Problems
21/09/2024 20:30
Event s 4. commiseration

Commiseration Cabaret: Improvised Songs About Your Problems

Organizado por: BIG Improv

BIG IMPROV. Calle Comte Borrell 143 Ver mapa BIG IMPROV. Calle Comte Borrell 143 21/09/2024 20:30 (GMT+01:00) Madri

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General Tickets

11,78 €
0,00 €
Gastos de gestão:
0,00 €
0,00 €
0,00 €


Got problems? Wanna hear songs about 'em?

In this special cabaret performance, Ella and Joanna spin your pet peeves, hangups and heartbreaks into sultry show-stopping musical numbers to make it all feel better. Everything is 100% improvised and made up on the spot from the licks and the lyrics to the chords and the choruses.

Perhaps your struggles will be magically solved through the miracle of music, or perhaps they'll only be made worse. Either way, your woes provide the material, and your hosts provide the jams.

And keep an eye out for 2 very special invited guests!

8.00pm Doors & Bar Open Open

8.30pm Show Starts

Tickets 12€ online presale / 15€ on the door

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